LRN TESOL Level 3 working certificate - Inspection code from British government 601/8223/4Recognition by Ofqual United Kingdom
TESOL LRN UK Work Certificate Program is a program accredited and recognized by Ofqual UK with inspection code 601/8223/4 as a training program to become an intermediate English instructor. (Common European Framework Level 4) without any teaching experience.
The program is authorized by Ofqual UK, meeting UK (RQF Level 3) and European Quality Framework (EQF Level 4) to help qualifications perceived in UK, Europe, Australia, Asia and several American career associations.
Examination and accreditation
- Check out for the accreditation and recognition of LRN Level 3 Certificate in TESOL: HERE
- Check out for the UK’s eight-tier competency framework HERE
- Check out for the equivalent qualifications between UK and Europe HERE
- Check out for the equivalent of qualification between the European and the Australian one HERE
LRN Level 3 equivalents the European Qualification Framework Level 4, which is the equivalent of intermediate qualifications, is recognized throughout Europe, Asia, Australia and some American professional associations.
Unit1: Language Awareness and Analysis in practical support of ELT
The purpose of the unit is to equip the learner with the language awareness and analytical skills to provide practical support in ELT. It includes the understanding of basic concepts and associated terminology in relation to phonology, syntax, lexis, discourse, language functions and the four language modes, as well as a basic background to language learning and teaching.
LO1: Understand the application of basic concepts and associated terminology in relation to phonology, discourse, syntax, lexis and language functions
- LO 1.1 Describe key terms involved in practical support of ELT,including (i) phonological, (ii) syntactic, (iii) lexical and functional aspects of English at discourse, (iv) sentence, (v) word, (vi) morpheme and (vii) phoneme level.
- LO 1.2 Analyse the processes enabling receptive and productive language skills to take place and apply them to support planning and managing the teaching and learning process.
LO2: Understand the application of basic concepts and associated terminology in relation to the four language skills for use in planning and managing the teaching and learning process.
- LO 2.1 Analyse how to use concepts and associated terminology in the application of listening skills for use in planning and managing the teaching and learning process.
- LO 2.2 Analyse how to use concepts and associated terminology in the application of speaking skills for use in planning and managing the teaching and learning process.
- LO 2.3 Analyse how to use concepts and associated terminology in the application of reading skills for use in planning and managing the teaching and learning process.
- LO 2.4 Justify the use of concepts and associated terminology in the application of writing skills for use in planning and managing the teaching and learning process.
LO 3: Understand the barriers to, and opportunities for, teaching and learning in ELT.
- LO 3.1 Recognise the barriers that learners might encounter in acquiring language skills and provide practical support to overcome them.
- LO 3.2 Use different approaches to planning, managing and assessing the teaching and learning of language skills depending on learners’ needs, context and communicative purpose.
Unit 2: Planning and Managing Teaching and Learning in ELT
The purpose of the unit is to provide the learner with knowledge, understanding and skills relating to selecting and using resources as well as managing teaching and learning in ELT. It includes lesson planning and staging, classroom management and practical approaches to facilitating teaching and learning.
LO 1: Know how to select and use appropriate resources in ELT
- LO 1.1 Select and justify the use of resources in meeting the needs of learners, which align with purpose of the lesson.
- LO 1.2 Make effective use of resources to meet the needs of learners and lesson objectives.
LO 2: Know how to plan a lesson or sequence of lessons
- LO 2.1 Explain the use of lessons and learning aims in order to meet the needs of learners
- LO 2.2 Analyse the components required within a lesson plan, to include (as a minimum):
- Lesson aims and objectives;
- Appropriate staging;
- The needs of learners;
- Appropriate classroom activities;
- and a basic degree of assessment and reflect
LO 3: Know how to manage the classroom and appropriate learning activities
- LO 3.1 Describe how to use appropriate, where necessary graded, language of instruction and feedback
- LO 3.2 Justify the use of appropriate classroom management techniques, e.g. managing the classroom environment, grouping, pairing, choral and individual drilling, communication gap and transfer exercises, role plays and presentations.
- LO 3.3 Explain how to select appropriate activities to promote learning outside the classroom, e.g. homework activities and
resources, projects and referral to educational activities and resources.
Unit 3: Applied teaching practice in the ELT classroom
The purpose of the unit is to assess the learner’s ability to apply background knowledge and practical approaches to planning, teaching and learning in the ELT classroom. It includes the preparation of a lesson or sequence of lessons, the selection and use of resources, lesson delivery, managing the classroom environment and learner behaviour, and a basic degree of assessment and reflection to feed back into the planning and preparation process.
LO 1: Be able to plan and prepare a lesson or sequence of lessons
- LO 1.1 Construct a lesson plan stating appropriate learning aims and objectives to meet the learners’ needs and purpose of or sequence of lessons.
- LO 1.2 Plan for and prepare, by making use of appropriate techniques and resources, to address the learning aims and objectives stated in the lesson plan, ensuring a communicative focus supporting one or more language skills.
- LO 1.3 Handle difficulties professionally and calmly ensuring suitable solutions are devised to address them.
- LO 1.4 Plan for and implement assessment measuring techniques which are capable of delivering learning and reflection OPl: ortunities which aid in the Rlanning
LO 2: Be able to manage the teaching and learning process
- LO 2.1 Deliver an appropriately staged and timed lesson addressing appropriate learning aims and objectives.
- LO 2.2 Grade the language of instruction and feedback according to the learners and context, supporting clarity of purpose.
- LO 2.3 Use appropriate techniques and resources to meet the learning aims and objectives stated in the lesson plan, ensuring a communicative focus supporting one or more language skills.
- LO 2.4 Evaluate potential difficulties which learners may encounter and devise suitable solutions to address them, including measures in order to manage learner behaviour and overcome phonological, syntactic and lexical challenges.
LO 3: Be able to act professionally towards learners and colleagues
- LO 3.1 Address, instruct, provide feedback and advise learners respectfully and effectively.
- LO 3.2 Respond positively and appropriately to feedback
- LO 3.3 Adhere to relevant parameters given within the professional context like lesson timings, punctuality, and maintenance of classroom order, health and safety.
- Registration fee: 50 USD
- Tuition: 500 USD, paid one time before admission.
Conditions for participation:
- Minimum English is B1 or higher according to European Quality Framework or equivalent.
A. for TESOL Certificate to be recognized at England, most importantly is that it must be accredited by UK Government according to Ofqual system.
Level 3 Certificate in TESOL Program of LRN is perceived by Ofqual UK with inspection code: 601/8223/4
Level 3 TESOL of LRN applies the Regulated Qualifications Framework of RQF, corresponding to Level 4 of the European Competency Framework (EQF).
B. Once recognized by the UK government, accreditation in Europe is based on the European qualifications recognition agreements and the National Competency Framework.
As LRN’s TESOL program is developed according to the UK’s Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF), fully compatible with the European Qualification Framework (EQF) and the National Qualification Framework (NQF). Meanwhile, LRN’s working certificate is considered to be recognized throughout Europe.
Check the correlation between the British competency system and the European competency system HERE
Due to LRN’s TESOL Level 3 certificate of Level 4 EQF, it is recognized as Level 4 under the European Competency Framework
C. Accredited in Australia as equivalent to the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF)
Unlike Europe with the 8-level EQF competency framework, the AQF applies the 10 tiers. LRN’s Level 3 certificate meets the European Framework of Level 4, and is therefore equivalent to Australian Certificate IV in TESOL.

D. Accreditation in Southeast Asia under the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF)
ASEAN countries apply the AQRF with 8 levels fully compatible with the European Competency Framework (EQF). Due to the correlation, LRN certification is recognized in Asia with a 4th tier framework equivalent to intermediate competency.
LRN (Learning Resources Network) is an examination organization with programs that perceived and recognized by Ofqual UK.
LRN’s programs are recognized in the UK under the UK framework system RQF, compatible and recognized in Europe under the EQF framework, in Australia under the AQF framework, in Asia under the ARQF framework.
In Vietnam, on October 18, 2016, the Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam also issued a National Competency Framework with 8 levels, fully compatible with the UK, Europe, Asia, and Australia frameworks
Level 3 is recognized as an international TESOL practice certificate, accredited and recognized for those entering the English language teaching profession. TESOL UK’s Level 3 program achieves European competency level 4, equivalent to a professional intermediate.